Being a Touchpoint for Christ to Others
"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us" (Acts 17:26-27)
When Paul the Apostle wrote a letter to a church, he knew that he was united to the believers gathered together in that city since they were "those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours" (1 Cor. 1:2)
We have been learning through our study in Acts that the Lord is not far from anyone and that He is continually connecting people together for His sovereign purposes to awaken people to the power and transformation that comes through the Gospel. As soon as people begin to call upon the Lord they are able to be saved and thus sanctification has begun.
When Jesus, the Son of God, was on the earth performing His ministry, He brought the kingdom with Him wherever He went. People were able to witness the rule of Christ by His love and compassion toward the lost and weary, by His teaching and preaching of His righteous ways, and by His power and authority over sin, the Satanic forces of evil, and the corrupt patterns of the world.
What about us? Do we help to manifest the realities of Christ's kingdom wherever we are?
We know that His kingdom will not be fully established until Christ comes back to the earth but we have the opportunity to begin preparing for what is to come much like David who wanted to build the temple for God but could only prepare the way for a later time.
The Lord is always working and drawing others to Himself and He is looking for usable vessels that He can love through, speak through, and work through.
Pray each day that God will use your life for His kingdom purposes and help those who don't yet see the beauty and majesty and healing and wholeness that is found in Christ!
We were encouraged this Sunday to see and be the following:
TUESDAY - Our Prayer Meetings at 6:00 am, Noon, and 7:00 pm. Come out to wait on the Lord with us and deepen our communion with the Lord and pray in agreement in the leading of the Spirit together.
WEDNESDAY - Our Men's Small Groups happening at various locations and times. See Paul or Zivan to learn more info.
FRIDAY - School of Christ for those enrolled this semester.
SUNDAY - Our morning service to the Lord at 10:00 am to see Christ glorified, to be the church edified, and the free the living spring in every believer. We will be sharing in communion at the Lord's table this Sunday. DON'T FORGET TO TURN CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR BEFORE GOING TO BE SATURDAY NIGHT!
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When Paul the Apostle wrote a letter to a church, he knew that he was united to the believers gathered together in that city since they were "those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours" (1 Cor. 1:2)
We have been learning through our study in Acts that the Lord is not far from anyone and that He is continually connecting people together for His sovereign purposes to awaken people to the power and transformation that comes through the Gospel. As soon as people begin to call upon the Lord they are able to be saved and thus sanctification has begun.
When Jesus, the Son of God, was on the earth performing His ministry, He brought the kingdom with Him wherever He went. People were able to witness the rule of Christ by His love and compassion toward the lost and weary, by His teaching and preaching of His righteous ways, and by His power and authority over sin, the Satanic forces of evil, and the corrupt patterns of the world.
What about us? Do we help to manifest the realities of Christ's kingdom wherever we are?
We know that His kingdom will not be fully established until Christ comes back to the earth but we have the opportunity to begin preparing for what is to come much like David who wanted to build the temple for God but could only prepare the way for a later time.
The Lord is always working and drawing others to Himself and He is looking for usable vessels that He can love through, speak through, and work through.
Pray each day that God will use your life for His kingdom purposes and help those who don't yet see the beauty and majesty and healing and wholeness that is found in Christ!
We were encouraged this Sunday to see and be the following:
- Be the touchpoint for someone who needs to know who Jesus is and how to begin a relationship with Him by crossing whatever culture barriers are necessary.
- Be true witnesses for Christ who tell people the important news they need to know concerning Christ since many have hearts enticed by other forms of worship.
- Be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can do what we could never do by ourselves and to overflow in Christ's love toward others.
TUESDAY - Our Prayer Meetings at 6:00 am, Noon, and 7:00 pm. Come out to wait on the Lord with us and deepen our communion with the Lord and pray in agreement in the leading of the Spirit together.
WEDNESDAY - Our Men's Small Groups happening at various locations and times. See Paul or Zivan to learn more info.
FRIDAY - School of Christ for those enrolled this semester.
SUNDAY - Our morning service to the Lord at 10:00 am to see Christ glorified, to be the church edified, and the free the living spring in every believer. We will be sharing in communion at the Lord's table this Sunday. DON'T FORGET TO TURN CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR BEFORE GOING TO BE SATURDAY NIGHT!
DOWNLOAD the NEW church app: LSF Church and also go onto our website and switch your re-occurring giving:
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