Now I Know...His Salvation
"May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble...May He send you help from the sanctuary, ...Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God." (Psalm 20:1, 7)
David wrote these words in the day of trouble. He knew that he was about to go into battle and yet there were many things that He did not know about the future. So what did he do? When David didn't know something, he fell back on what he did know.
His spiritual instincts kicked in and led him into the sanctuary to draw near to God and to strengthen himself in the LORD. After all, David was a man after God's own heart above all else. Therefore, when a battle arose or troubles came to him, David learned to look to the Lord first and to reorient his heart and say, "The battle belongs to the LORD."
Just like when David showed up on the battlefield as a young man and saw Goliath standing tall and taunting God's people, David remembered the Name of the LORD. While fear and anxiety were in the camp, David was confident in God's faithfulness.
His mindset was not focused on the battle first nor his enemies nor on his own weapons and resources but rather on the LORD Himself. Now horses are strong and fierce creatures, but David did not put his trust in the strength and speed of horses. Chariots were solid and protective vehicles that enabled a person to move as fast as the horse that pulled it, but David did not trust in chariots. Instead, David trusted in the LORD who sovereignly watched over him and anointed him and enabled him to be the king he was called to be.
Where do you place your trust in times of uncertainty? What is your mindset when you are in the midst of opposition and the battle is getting fierce and evil is all around you?
Our trust and confidence must be in the LORD! Our faith is most exposed when the going gets rough and the pressure is turned on. In Psalm 20, David was about to engage in battle and he prepared his heart and mind by doing these three things:
1. He rejoiced in his salvation (v.5 - His EXALTATION to the LORD)
2. He set up his banners in the Lord (v.5 - His IDENTIFICATION in the LORD)
3. He remembered the Name of the LORD (v.7 - His FORTIFICATION from the LORD)
David joined with other like-minded believers and they strengthened each other in the spirit through praise and proclamation and through rejoicing and remembrance. They learned not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the RENEWING of their minds.
Here is what our LORD always does for His people in the day of trouble and uncertainty:
He ends this psalm saying, "They have bowed down and fallen; But we have risen and stand upright. Save, LORD! May the King answer us when we call" (v.9).
Therefore, He SAVES us and ANSWERS us with His Strength.
What are you going through personally where you may need to do the same thing? Consider the battle our nation is facing at this time during this election season? Where is your trust?
When you don't know something, always fall back on what you do know. And even more importantly, fall back on WHO you know and WHAT HE IS ABLE TO that through it all you can confidently say, "NOW I KNOW...HIS SALVATION!"
David wrote these words in the day of trouble. He knew that he was about to go into battle and yet there were many things that He did not know about the future. So what did he do? When David didn't know something, he fell back on what he did know.
His spiritual instincts kicked in and led him into the sanctuary to draw near to God and to strengthen himself in the LORD. After all, David was a man after God's own heart above all else. Therefore, when a battle arose or troubles came to him, David learned to look to the Lord first and to reorient his heart and say, "The battle belongs to the LORD."
Just like when David showed up on the battlefield as a young man and saw Goliath standing tall and taunting God's people, David remembered the Name of the LORD. While fear and anxiety were in the camp, David was confident in God's faithfulness.
His mindset was not focused on the battle first nor his enemies nor on his own weapons and resources but rather on the LORD Himself. Now horses are strong and fierce creatures, but David did not put his trust in the strength and speed of horses. Chariots were solid and protective vehicles that enabled a person to move as fast as the horse that pulled it, but David did not trust in chariots. Instead, David trusted in the LORD who sovereignly watched over him and anointed him and enabled him to be the king he was called to be.
Where do you place your trust in times of uncertainty? What is your mindset when you are in the midst of opposition and the battle is getting fierce and evil is all around you?
Our trust and confidence must be in the LORD! Our faith is most exposed when the going gets rough and the pressure is turned on. In Psalm 20, David was about to engage in battle and he prepared his heart and mind by doing these three things:
1. He rejoiced in his salvation (v.5 - His EXALTATION to the LORD)
2. He set up his banners in the Lord (v.5 - His IDENTIFICATION in the LORD)
3. He remembered the Name of the LORD (v.7 - His FORTIFICATION from the LORD)
David joined with other like-minded believers and they strengthened each other in the spirit through praise and proclamation and through rejoicing and remembrance. They learned not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the RENEWING of their minds.
Here is what our LORD always does for His people in the day of trouble and uncertainty:
- He ANSWERS us.
- He DEFENDS us.
- He SENDS HELP to us.
- He ACCEPTS our offerings.
- He GRANTS us our heart’s desire.
- He FULFILLS all our purpose, petitions, and problems.
He ends this psalm saying, "They have bowed down and fallen; But we have risen and stand upright. Save, LORD! May the King answer us when we call" (v.9).
Therefore, He SAVES us and ANSWERS us with His Strength.
What are you going through personally where you may need to do the same thing? Consider the battle our nation is facing at this time during this election season? Where is your trust?
When you don't know something, always fall back on what you do know. And even more importantly, fall back on WHO you know and WHAT HE IS ABLE TO that through it all you can confidently say, "NOW I KNOW...HIS SALVATION!"
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