The Faith That Pleases God
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Heb. 11:6)
When God speaks...things come into being. When God acts...things are forever changed. So what is our role in this? Our role is to BELIEVE in that which God has already spoken and done.
The writer of Hebrews reminds the brethren that faith is the "substance" of things hoped for (the good things we are longing to see happen) and the "evidence" of the things that are not seen. Therefore, faith deals with what has not yet come to pass and that are not yet seen (but can be known based on what God has shown). Faith comes to us by the light of God's Word. As Paul would write in his epistle to the Romans, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" (Rom. 10:17).
Whatever God says, does, or reveals becomes the basis and foundation for us to respond in faith. God does all the necessary work needed and He asks us to simply believe and to live in light of what He has said and done. Walking by faith is the right posture and practice for the person who knows that God is with them at all times.
He is not only WITH US but HE IS A GREAT AND AWESOME GOD who can do anything at anytime in any place according to His purpose and what glorifies His Great Name.
"For without faith it impossible to please God" is a banner statement in the book of Hebrews that connects us to all that Christ is and all that He has already accomplished for us!
The book of Hebrews has entire chapter devoted to this essential understanding of "Faith". Many believers in our present generation have referred to chapter 11 of Hebrews as the "Hall of Faith" because it highlights various men and women throughout the ages who trusted God to stand strong and speak truth and respond in faith against many trials, troubles, and challenges. But those who truly walk by faith have this in common, they know that ONLY JESUS IS THE HERO!
Faith shifts the attention away from us and onto the Lord! Faith is not self confidence but God confidence. It is NOT blind faith based on nothing...but rather faith is "Action Believing Confidence" that is based on SOMEONE -- and that Someone is JESUS, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, who spoke the universe into existence as the expanse of His words.
So what are YOU believing in right now dear saint?
....Are you believing in God's present faithfulness and God's infinite ability to get you to where you need to go and to achieve what you can only achieve by Him?
...Are you trusting and resting in Him OR resisting and travailing over your circumstances?
The first three people mentioned in this Hall of Faith are: Abel, Enoch, and Noah.
They each show us valuable principles about spiritual warfare and spiritual progress.
When it comes to spiritual warfare...
We see that the three key areas of Revelation 12:11 reflected in these three men of faith, whereby "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."
ABEL - Sacrificing for God (When he offered the Lamb’s Blood)
ENOCH - Walking with God (When he had a testimony that pleased God)
NOAH - Submitting to God (When as a separated man, he chose to love God and not himself)
When it comes to spiritual life and the call to walk by faith..
We must see how these men all point us to Christ and reflect His power in us...
ABEL - The Righteous One who comes to offer the acceptable sacrifice before God.
ENOCH - The Beloved Son that pleases God, walks with Him, and is taken up into heaven.
NOAH - The Preacher of Righteousness who brings salvation to all those who believe.
Faith activates our spirit and allows God to be pleased with us and to work in and through us.
When all is said and done, FAITH is the one thing that always works...since faith is what always pleases God.
This Week’s New Covenant Exhortation:
Since FAITH is: Action Believing Confidence, let us:
When God speaks...things come into being. When God acts...things are forever changed. So what is our role in this? Our role is to BELIEVE in that which God has already spoken and done.
The writer of Hebrews reminds the brethren that faith is the "substance" of things hoped for (the good things we are longing to see happen) and the "evidence" of the things that are not seen. Therefore, faith deals with what has not yet come to pass and that are not yet seen (but can be known based on what God has shown). Faith comes to us by the light of God's Word. As Paul would write in his epistle to the Romans, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" (Rom. 10:17).
Whatever God says, does, or reveals becomes the basis and foundation for us to respond in faith. God does all the necessary work needed and He asks us to simply believe and to live in light of what He has said and done. Walking by faith is the right posture and practice for the person who knows that God is with them at all times.
He is not only WITH US but HE IS A GREAT AND AWESOME GOD who can do anything at anytime in any place according to His purpose and what glorifies His Great Name.
"For without faith it impossible to please God" is a banner statement in the book of Hebrews that connects us to all that Christ is and all that He has already accomplished for us!
The book of Hebrews has entire chapter devoted to this essential understanding of "Faith". Many believers in our present generation have referred to chapter 11 of Hebrews as the "Hall of Faith" because it highlights various men and women throughout the ages who trusted God to stand strong and speak truth and respond in faith against many trials, troubles, and challenges. But those who truly walk by faith have this in common, they know that ONLY JESUS IS THE HERO!
Faith shifts the attention away from us and onto the Lord! Faith is not self confidence but God confidence. It is NOT blind faith based on nothing...but rather faith is "Action Believing Confidence" that is based on SOMEONE -- and that Someone is JESUS, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, who spoke the universe into existence as the expanse of His words.
So what are YOU believing in right now dear saint?
....Are you believing in God's present faithfulness and God's infinite ability to get you to where you need to go and to achieve what you can only achieve by Him?
...Are you trusting and resting in Him OR resisting and travailing over your circumstances?
The first three people mentioned in this Hall of Faith are: Abel, Enoch, and Noah.
They each show us valuable principles about spiritual warfare and spiritual progress.
When it comes to spiritual warfare...
We see that the three key areas of Revelation 12:11 reflected in these three men of faith, whereby "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."
ABEL - Sacrificing for God (When he offered the Lamb’s Blood)
ENOCH - Walking with God (When he had a testimony that pleased God)
NOAH - Submitting to God (When as a separated man, he chose to love God and not himself)
When it comes to spiritual life and the call to walk by faith..
We must see how these men all point us to Christ and reflect His power in us...
ABEL - The Righteous One who comes to offer the acceptable sacrifice before God.
ENOCH - The Beloved Son that pleases God, walks with Him, and is taken up into heaven.
NOAH - The Preacher of Righteousness who brings salvation to all those who believe.
Faith activates our spirit and allows God to be pleased with us and to work in and through us.
When all is said and done, FAITH is the one thing that always works...since faith is what always pleases God.
This Week’s New Covenant Exhortation:
Since FAITH is: Action Believing Confidence, let us:
- Sacrifice for God
- Walk with God
- Submit to God
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