We Would See Jesus
"Now there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast. Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”(John 12:20--21)
"When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord." (John 20:20)
Jesus Christ overcame the grave! "Impossible?" It is always a possible impossibility when you factor in the power of God, since it is He who creates all things by speaking them into existence!
The greatest feat in human history had taken place when Jesus Christ suffered, died, and rose again but those who should have been most expectant of this were fearing for their own lives and suffering from spiritual amnesia. O how easy it is to lose sight of what is most precious to us!
After Jesus finished the work that He set out to do, the disciples had lost their faith and were more concerned about preserving their lives than they were about promoting the good news of what had happened. One thing we learn is that it doesn't take a miracle for selfishness and pride to rise up from a grave of man's heart...that much is true!
Not even a week before, there were Greeks who came from afar for the Passover feast who were eager to lay their eyes on Jesus. They wanted to witness a miracle that they had heard so much about. .They wanted to encounter Him with their own eyes. They said to the disciple Philip and said, "Sir, we would see Jesus."
The disciples had witnessed one great work after another but there own self-reliant ways had clouded their vision and they were shut up inside of a house for fear of being discovered by the Jews or Romans who might see them as a threat since they had closely followed the Lord.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Have you forgotten God's past faithfulness and the great works that He has accomplished in your life? Have you allowed the hardships and disappointments of this fallen world to cause you to lose sight of the greatness of Jesus and His overcoming power?
When Jesus appeared and made Himself known to the disciples, the Apostle John records that "they were glad when they saw the Lord" (John 20:20). Their spirits quickened and fresh faith arose in their hearts seeing their Master rise again from the dead.
Jesus did all that He said He would do. He fulfilled the necessary prophecies that were spoken concerning the Messiah, who first needed to suffer and be "wounded for our transgressions" and "bruised for our iniquities" so that "by "His stripes [we could be] healed" (Isa. 53:5). Jesus finished the work that only God could do to save mankind from their fallen condition.
He finished the work of the old creation...to make us into a new creation in Christ.
He finished the penalty of sin...to make us clean and righteous in God's sight.
He finished the requirements...to make us recipients of His grace and to fill us with His Spirit.
Let us take on us this new God-given identity! Let us not look back or lessen the finished work as if it was not sufficient or complete. Let us walk in the newness of life and live with resurrection power so that we can be living witnesses to the living Christ today, tomorrow, and always!
"When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord." (John 20:20)
Jesus Christ overcame the grave! "Impossible?" It is always a possible impossibility when you factor in the power of God, since it is He who creates all things by speaking them into existence!
The greatest feat in human history had taken place when Jesus Christ suffered, died, and rose again but those who should have been most expectant of this were fearing for their own lives and suffering from spiritual amnesia. O how easy it is to lose sight of what is most precious to us!
After Jesus finished the work that He set out to do, the disciples had lost their faith and were more concerned about preserving their lives than they were about promoting the good news of what had happened. One thing we learn is that it doesn't take a miracle for selfishness and pride to rise up from a grave of man's heart...that much is true!
Not even a week before, there were Greeks who came from afar for the Passover feast who were eager to lay their eyes on Jesus. They wanted to witness a miracle that they had heard so much about. .They wanted to encounter Him with their own eyes. They said to the disciple Philip and said, "Sir, we would see Jesus."
The disciples had witnessed one great work after another but there own self-reliant ways had clouded their vision and they were shut up inside of a house for fear of being discovered by the Jews or Romans who might see them as a threat since they had closely followed the Lord.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Have you forgotten God's past faithfulness and the great works that He has accomplished in your life? Have you allowed the hardships and disappointments of this fallen world to cause you to lose sight of the greatness of Jesus and His overcoming power?
When Jesus appeared and made Himself known to the disciples, the Apostle John records that "they were glad when they saw the Lord" (John 20:20). Their spirits quickened and fresh faith arose in their hearts seeing their Master rise again from the dead.
Jesus did all that He said He would do. He fulfilled the necessary prophecies that were spoken concerning the Messiah, who first needed to suffer and be "wounded for our transgressions" and "bruised for our iniquities" so that "by "His stripes [we could be] healed" (Isa. 53:5). Jesus finished the work that only God could do to save mankind from their fallen condition.
He finished the work of the old creation...to make us into a new creation in Christ.
He finished the penalty of sin...to make us clean and righteous in God's sight.
He finished the requirements...to make us recipients of His grace and to fill us with His Spirit.
Let us take on us this new God-given identity! Let us not look back or lessen the finished work as if it was not sufficient or complete. Let us walk in the newness of life and live with resurrection power so that we can be living witnesses to the living Christ today, tomorrow, and always!
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